Ready to use tools for your PC, Android Phone and router!

GNU/EDMA 0.19.2 1.3 Mb Minor bug fixes fro GNU/EDMA 0.19. To be submitted to official package
Busybox 1.23 1.4 Mb Static binary for MIP. Runs on some routers
Busybox 1.23 1.4 Mb Static binary for ARM. Runs on Android phones. No Root
NetKitty 1.10.1 (64bits) 17 Kb NetKitty 1.10.1 (static x86_64 64 bits)
NetKitty 1.10.1 (ARM) 14 Kb NetKitty 1.10.1 (static ARM 1.9.1. Should work on Android. No root)
NetKitty 1.10.1 (MIPS) 24 Kb NetKitty 1.10.1 (static MIPS. Runs in some routers)
NetKitty 1.10.1 (MIPSel) 664 Kb NetKitty 1.10.1 (static MIPSel. No dietlibc version yet)


NetKitty 1.9.1 (ARM) 14 Kb NetKitty 1.9.1 (static ARM 1.9.1. Should work on Android. No root)
NetKitty 1.9.1 (MIPS) 21 Kb NetKitty 1.9.1 (static MIPS. Runs in some routers)
NetKitty 1.9.1 (MIPSel) 704 Kb NetKitty 1.9.1 (static MIPSel. No dietlibc version yet)
NetKitty 1.9.1 (64bits) 17 Kb NetKitty 1.9.1 (static x86_64 64 bits)
NetKitty 1.7.2 1 7Kb NetKitty 1.7.2 (static x86-64)
NetKitty 1.7.2 28 Kb NetKitty 1.7.2 (static ARM 1.7.2)
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