include_once "common/head_meta.php" ?>
include_once "common/base.php"; echo '
'; echo '
'; ?>
1. Concurrency. Introduction
2. Concurrency. Race Conditions
3. Concurrency. Mutex and Futex
4. Concurrency. Condition Variables
5. Concurrency. Tools
6. Concurrency. Java Mutex and Conditions
7. Concurrency. Atomics and Memory Models
PoCrypt. A Proof Of Concept For Dynamically Decrypting Linux Binaries
GNU/Linux Crypters. Crafting Binaries
GNU/Linux Crypters. The PIE case
Understanding SYN Scan
Everything you never wanted to know about stack canaries
The Perfect Knowledge Transfer Equation
Knowledge Equivalence
Smart Manuals
Hardware Hacking Box. HELP
Hardware Hacking Box. Serial Access to Routers
SUP DeMO. November 2016
Building Portable Devices
Quick and Dirty Raspberry Pi Spy Cam
Measuring RpiCam Bandwidth Performance
Real-time Bandwidth Monitoring
Having Fun with your Home Router
BeagleBoard I2C. Interfacing to the WiiChuck
BeagleBone Black and Watterott display
GNU/EDMA Tutorials
Fixing GNU/EDMA to work on 64bits platforms
GNU/EDMA Tutorial. Objects and Classes
Four Unorthodox Ways to Transfer Files
Multimedia 101. Feel the Source
Create a Secure Storage for your Precious Data
Home file Server with your Preferred SBC!
Remote Support with screen
GNU/Linux Distro Transplantation
Two More Unorthodox ways to transfer files
Add a Remote Shell to your Android App
Awesome Android eXtreme Hacking. Part I
Awesome Android eXtreme Hacking. Part II (Sensors)
Awesome Android eXtreme Hacking. Part II. More sensors
Awesome Android eXtreme Hacking. Part III. What a Shell!
Awesome Android eXtreme Hacking. Part IV. GNU/Linux on your Pocket
Android Development for Web Programmers
How to get the ESSID of the Wifi network you are connected to?
How to use tee and splice
Using a parameter to iterate a loop
Network Programming Series
C vs Java Network Programming. Echo Server
Java vs C Network Programming. Java NIO Buffers
Java vs C Network Programming. Select and Selectors
Java vs C Network Programming. Binary Protocols and Vectorized IO
Java vs C Network Programming. Revisiting Selectors (poll & epoll)
Privacy Future Threads. The Subconscious E-Mirror
Augmented Perception. Circunventing the Augmented Reality Metonymy
Introducing Nyx. Basic Networking API
NetKitty. Updated Tutorial
Pervasive Widgets. Introducing the HERMITs
HERMITs: Detecting user activity
include "common/had.php"; include_once "common/footer.php"; echo "
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